Don’t Mess With My Sleep
Nothing is trendier than getting great rest
If we’ve learned anything it’s that fads don’t last. All of those fake moustaches and high heeled sneakers may be fun now, but we’re definitely going to cringe in a few years. That’s why the fine folks at Tempur-Pedic make high quality matresses that help give you night after night of great sleep. Brody and our friends at Carmichael Lynch teamed up for their first Tempur-Pedic campaign and cut some seriously funny yet cautionary spots about the perils of trends, especially when they put your REM at risk. Brody was so convinced after working on the spots, he went out and bought his own!
Agency: Carmichael Lynch
Client: Tempur-Pedic
Chief Creative Officer: Dave Damman
Art Director: Phil Jones
Writer: Nick Nelson
Agency Producer: Jon Mielke
Director: Ted Pauly, Furlined
Offline Editor: Brody Howard
Producer: Leah Rogers
Audio: Brahmstedt White Noise
Color: Company 3
Finish: Derek Johnson, Drive Thru